Motorboat registration

Lake Balaton is an environmentally protected area and by default no gasoline/diesel/oil fueled motorboats are allowed to be operated on the lake. In order to operate such boat on a temporary bases a special accreditation is required from the Hungarian Environmental Authorities, using a motorboat/RIB without such an accreditation, a motorboat operator can face serious fines. 

For the extended period of the Techno 293 world championship (13-28 July 2024) Spartacus Sailing Club have sought the possibility from the Hungarian Environmental Authorities to register any motorboat/RIB whishing to accompany national teams during the event. Only those RIBs/motorboats will be accredited to be operated on Lake Balaton which has fulfilled the following criteria:
• Has filled out and sent to Spartacus Sailing Club the attached motorboat registration form latest 60 days before the start date of the WC (ie. 20th May 2024)
• Has scanned and emailed the motorboat documents to latest 60 days before the start date of the WC (ie. 20th May 2024)
• Has paid an environmental compensation fee of 120€ to the below account number and emailed the confirmation of payment latest 60 days before the start date of the WC (ie. 20th May 2024). Please note that the entire compensation fee will be transferred to the Hungarian Environmental Authorities, Spartacus Sailing Club acts only as intermediary
Those boats which has failed to fulfill the above critarea will not be eligible to operate on Lake Balaton

Please make payments to the following bank account:
Beneficiary: Spartacus VE
Beneficiary’s address: 8623 Balatonföldvár, Móló
Name of bank: RAIFFEISEN Bank Rt.
Bank address: H 1133 Budapest Váci út 116.
IBAN: HU47 1201 1265 0025 7080 0020 0006
Fees shall be free of bank commissions. Any bank fee will be charged to the competitors.